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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I remember the H5 version, looks sick, why is it orange?
  2. True, not entirely sure how CS map making works still but that makes enough sense to me. Which do u think is better to create in and design for outta h5 and cs?
  3. Just over a month ago, I reached out to @a Chunk to ask if I could create a concept, front end NLD app UI piece for my ongoing portfolio. As ever, he was very supportive and I got started the next week. Before I post it in my portfolio, I feel it's right to get some feedback first. As the majority of you are familiar with the site, I figured these are the best testers I could ask for. So, using Adobe XD, I created a prototype that explores the basis of how the navigation would work in this app. I would be very happy if at least some of you could have a play around on it and offer any feedback below! ? Here's a link to the Adobe XD onsite file which will remain active after I make updates so feel free to use this link again when I announce any further updates: https://xd.adobe.com/view/e4d2cb88-db83-408d-95ec-85a75edc5607-b181/ Please be aware that this is a prototype and as such demonstrates ideas and concepts at base levels, it's not a fully functioning app so certain features and systems won't be accessible. In the final version, I hope to make a few more intractable elements, but I can't spend weeks designing every page and possible system lol. About the Development: For me, converting any type of media to an app initially requests a simplification of fundamental mechanics. Most of us just use our thumb on a touch screen and we don't want to have to scroll for ages or get lost too deep in page after page to find what we're looking for. So here are some of the new features proposed with this UI: > Search tabs at the top of most pages allow you to locate any post or project using keywords associated in the titles, dates, users or posts themselves. This has allowed me to turn huge threads that have transformed into constantly developing conversations like WAYWO into a 'most recent' feed system without the concern that a user won't have a substantial navigation tool to find older posts. > The "Jump Back Into" menu on the home screen allows the user to quickly access any forum, thread or gallery they've most recently visited. For me, this is useful as I mostly enjoy browsing the "Inspirations" gallery and I know a lot of the elite core practically live on WAYWO, so being able to get straight back into the chat is quite vital when you're on break or only have a few minutes to spare. The assets that took quite a lot of my time up during this project was the iconography. With the homepage elements that symbolise the "Projects", "Community", "Resources" and "Shop"; I had some fun trying to incorporate game design imagery with existing, universally understood semiotics within these titles. I didn't wanna just make them feel like stock icons, instead make them feel very personal and integrated with the notion of this site and what it's about. So not only will people understand which icon takes them to what page upon first interaction, but also the vibe and nature that is exclusive to those found on NLD. I also ended up doing a remaster of the logo for Chunk so we now have a more HD version of the original. ? Thank you to Chunk for allowing me to tamper with his site and also to JoeSubbi for constant feedback throughout to creation of this initial version. Lastly, to all those who have and are yet to give feedback. Your ideas help drive me to further create better designs by improving on my work, thank you! ? I hope you enjoyed hearing a bit about this project. ?
  4. FatkidForger


    Super rough, not to scale, draft from looking around it on forge, but should help as an initial reference
  5. FatkidForger


    Very cool pics, guy. Love the scripting too! ?
  6. Ace, yaeh, tbh I had to watch a vid to figure out how they work cos I've never seen them in a zeldy game before. So let me reproach my harry potter reference then, kinda like the hedge maze in goblet of fire lol? Yeah so I think either wall or ceiling, my idea holds up, however, if we take it one step further, I think secret doors could be cool if you want in interaction where some gets surprised. The question would be how to successfully give it a unique addition to the meta. Obviously you could have people just walk up and it opens, but I feel like thats too plain, I do like the notion that both the receiving room occupant and merging player are both somehow forced into this conflict. I think maybe having a poltergeist you can't see that roams around. Maybe you can hear it if its close but not see it, if it catches you and you're close to a wall, it can pass you through to the adjacent room. Another thing could be a rotating wall. Ok so you have a catwalk up top, there's a window so the player can jump into the next room, but what if it rotates every so often so maybe that window becomes a doorway on the bottom floor, like the whole building has a huge grindstone in the middle, a hole in one side, so as it rotates, it creates a temporary passage between rooms throughout the level. Lots of really interesting ideas in this, I'll keep thinking on it.
  7. For sure, but then is it the dragging mechanic thats got you more interested then, like the barnacles in halflife? Because those function in a similar way. Can you get out of the Wallmaster's grip? But I think there could be a cool plant like thing, kinda like devils snare from harry potter, you can get stuck in or pulled up to and you have to move a lot to be thrown into the adjacent room instead of strangled.
  8. Its true, @icyhotspartinhonestly you're a bloody good artist and I think you'd add so much vision to a game ?
  9. If you're being real... Depends on communication and if the player feels they're being robbed of an experience that could've ultimately been better if they had to figure out how to avoid it. BUT... I ain't against killing players for no reason to remind then they ain't shit, especially if you can catch out someone on a spree. The unfair death of a good player is true happiness. Do you have an example of one you like/dislike?
  10. Original space one of our LD's created for combat in our single player FPS campaign: Some initial concepts I created to show how I plan to elevate the arena: My latest revision on the space:
  11. Those demos are all designed in illustrator and animated in premiere pro. If you're working in UE4, you can animate most stuff you need in UMG and use flipbooks tho.
  12. wip combat space concept for our fps campaign game.